New Thought Resources
Below you will find links to other New Thought Communities that have worldwide influence. New Thought comes in many colors and shapes, but we are all in agreement about our Principles and a belief that Unity of Life is what separates us from traditional religion. We believe that God is the One source, and It avails Itself in, through, and AS each of us.
CSL, (Our Home Office) Centers for Spiritual Living: https://csl.org/
ANTN, Affiliated New Thought Alliance: https://antn.org/
EMERSON INSTITUTE: https://emersoninstitute.edu/
UNITY, https://www.unity.org/
AGNT, The Association for Global New Thought: https://www.agnt.today/
INTA, International New Thought Alliance: https://www.newthoughtalliance.org/#/
AGAPE, Agape: https://agapelive.com/
Divine Science Federation International: https://www.divinesciencefederation.org/
Universal Foundation for Better Living: https://ufbl.org/