Events at CSLNJ
We’re always looking to create new programming and offerings to bring our community together, to experience growth, or just to have a heckuva good time. Click on the image to learn more about what’s happening. Check back for new events often. And please, contact us with any questions! Hope you see you at one of these soon!

This Thing Called You
Join Rev. Michelle and the CSLNJ Community for an uplifting investigation into one of his best books ever: This Thing Called You.
A fun deep dive into one of Ernest Holmes’ first books. A Soul-raising, heart-opening, mind-blowing class.
Zoom ONLY!
NOTE: This is not a certificated course.

Stronger Together
Special Collaboration with CSLNJ and PHI
Tuesday, April 1st 6:30 - 9:30
6:30 - 7:00 Prayer and Meditation
7:00 - 8:30 Sacred, safe listening
8:30 - 9:00 Networking and sharing of resources
Cost: FREE

Oasis Monthly Gathering
A monthly safe and loving listening room. Come for authentic, undefended sharing, prayer, and meditation.
Held on Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month.

Winter Solstice Celebration
2024 Winter Solstice Celebration on December 20th at 7:30 pm ET or 4:30 pm PT. Join us as we honor the Stillness of Winter and Celebrate the Return of the Light with Solstice Rituals, Music, Drumming, and Community.
Music with: Ty Stephens w/CSLNJ Choir, Lynette Sheard, Beth Bachmann, Richard Cummings, Clive Smith, Chris Finn and Celine Fitzpatrick w/Elevate Drumming
$20 to pre-register. $25 at the door. $10 for Zoom option only.

New Thought Food & Fun Gathering
Join CSLNJ and Unity of Sussex County on Saturday, August 10th at 2 to 7:00 pm ET for this special New Thought Gathering.

The Joy Factor Playshop
Join Rev. Patrick Harbula DD, for his Playshop: The Joy Factor! A Life of Infinite Freedom on June 30, 12 - 2:30 pm ET.
More Information: The Joy Factor Playshop Flyer

Powering Your Decisions
Join Rev. Neil Pinkman for this study of Raymond Charles Barker's book: The Power of Decision
Practice and apply spiritual concepts and principles to strengthen your framework for living a more spirit-directed life. Attract new ideas into your life today while gaining greater mastery of practical spiritual tools you can apply to all your future decisions about health, happiness, creativity, and richer living.
The Power of Decision Book and Power Your Decision Self-Study Workbook is required.
Zoom Only! CSL Certification is included in the cost of the course.

Pages Together: The Physics of God Waiting LIst
Didn’t make Joe Schneider’s February book study, The Physics of God?
Sign up on the waiting list for the next time he offers the study
On Zoom and in-person at Joe’s home: 4 Beaver Ridge Rd., Morris Plains, NJ

Rev. Soni Cantrell-Smith Sunday Talk
Join us on Zoom for a our special speaker on Sunday, March 17th for her talk: The Greater Good
Open to all! Invite your friends to join you online!

The Artist's Way, On-Going Group
Keep in touch with Rev. Joel and The Artist’s Way students by joining his On-Going Group.
Prerequisite: You must have attended one of Rev. Joel’s 2023 Artist Way classes.
Limited space, so sign up right away! Zoom only!

Sacred Unfolding Solstice Celebration
Join our special Solstice Celebration: Solstice rituals, Drumming, Choir, Community and Light refreshments
Held at Bnai Keshet. Doors open at 7:00 pm ET.
Zoom option also available!

Back to SOM Principles
Join Rev. Michelle in leveling up by diving into the world of SOM together and unlocking a whole new world of growth!
CSL North Jersey Members ONLY!
Classes all start on December 11. Here are the four class options:
In Person at 10:00 am ET
Zoom at 10:00 am ET
In Person at 7:00 pm ET
Zoom at 7:00 pm ET
Register Here (make sure to mark which class you plan to attend)

Women Rise
Attention Women: Join us, at Bnai Keshet 99 So. Fullerton, Montclair, NJ 07048, or on Zoom.
Voice your concerns, share your dreams and embrace your power

Pages Together: Your Invisible Power
Join Rev. Michelle as we study a favorite Ernest Holmes book: Your Invisible Power.
Online ONLY!

Close Those LOOPS
Join Rev. Michelle online Thursday, August 17th, for her workshop: Close Those LOOPS
Be ready for a lively 3 hours to alleviate dangling incomplete relationship stressors.
Step 1 Take Inventory
Step 2 Take Charge (Or as we like to say Responsibility)
Step 3 Take Action

CSLNJ Community Conversation
Please join CSLNJ for a conversation about community as it applies to all of us.
During the meeting, be prepared to share with us answers to questions like:
•What is working for you about our community?
•What is missing for you from our community?
•What would you like your leadership to know?

Self-Care with the Zentangle® Method
Join Rev. Alan Vukas online or Rev. Michelle at her home (max. 8 people must RSVP)
Learn a simple and relaxing way to incorporate more mindfulness into your life. The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. NO artistic skills are needed.
Material Required:
· Pigma Micron 01 pen
· 1 mini graphite pencil
· 1 Tortillion
· 5 Original 3 ½ inch square Zentangle Tiles
All supplies can be purchased from Michaels or online at

New Thought Food & Fun Gathering
Join in the fun with local New Thought Centers at Vasa Park, Hackettstown, NJ

Partner in Principle
On May 7th, you can learn some of the secrets to having a powerful prayer partner.
Approximately 60 minutes post-celebration.

Wisdom Wednesday
Join CSL NJ and PHI for Wisdom Wednesdays — on the first Wednesday of every month.
Open discussions on spiritual topics. No prep is needed, just come and join the conversation.

Pages Together: The Myth of Normal
A book study plus! Guided meditations, prayer partners, and spiritual practices.
Host: Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadeigh

Forgiving the Shadow Course
Join this Special On-line Course: Forgiving the Shadow
Up to now, we have offered Forgiveness work in great detail and Shadow works with the promise that one day we would marry both together. Well, that time has come. New material. New process. Newer and greater results.
The course starts with a Saturday workshop: Noon to 5 ET, and continues with 4 weekly seminars on April 20 and 27; and May 4 and 11, 7:30 to 9:00 ET

Lent: 40 Days of Devotion and Renewal
The program begins Wednesday, February 22 for 40 days until April 9. We will kick off with a Zoom gathering at 7 pm ET.
Register to receive 40 days of affirmation via email.

Wisdom Wednesday
Join CSL NJ and PHI for Wisdom Wednesdays — on the first Wednesday of every month.
Open discussions on spiritual topics. No prep is needed, just come and join the conversation.

Forgiveness Free Program
Join us in our Month of Forgiveness Free where you will receive a series of emails and videos with inspirational practices to use throughout the month of April.

Introduction to Forgiving the Shadow - A Beta Course
Join our FREE workshop: Introduction to Forgiving the Shadow.
Up to now, we have offered Forgiveness work in great detail and Shadow works with the promise that one day we would marry both together. Well, that time has come. New material. New process. Newer and greater results.
Check out the Video here:

Self-Publishing 101
Saturday Workshop with Rev. Joel Fotinos
Here are some of the thing covered in the workshop:
The Pro's and Con's of Self-Publishing your book
The different types of self-publishing, and which to choose
3 Things NOT to do when self-publishing
Publicity & Marketing tops for before and after you self-publish
How to write engaging book descriptions
Getting endorsements
Resources to help you with next steps
This will work for all kinds of books, including novels, non-fiction, memoirs, self-help, children's books, poetry, workbooks, and more. This workshop will not be recorded, so make sure to sign up and join live.

Wisdom Wednesday
Join CSL NJ and PHI for Wisdom Wednesdays — on the first Wednesday of every month.
Open discussions on spiritual topics. No prep is needed, just come and join the conversation.

Wisdom Wednesday
Join CSL NJ and PHI for Wisdom Wednesdays — on the first Wednesday of every month.
Open discussions on spiritual topics. No prep is needed, just come and join the conversation.
This month’s guest: Elaine Blaise

Judge Free and Happy to Be
A FREE 28-day program to help you learn how your mind, when it is on automatic, is working against your desire for freedom.
Register for access to the Facebook Group, the daily emails and other options