E V E R Y D A Y   S A C R E D by Joel Fotinos

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These are simple, but not always easy – especially in a complicated world.  And they are basic.  They are meant to be basic.  When I veer off from the basics, I feel lost.  Basics, for me, means being grounded, and my life works better.  Life is hard enough…let’s do the things that make it easier, more joy-filled, loving, and more authentic. 

 1.      Breathe deeply.  Brings you into the present moment, and the Point of power is always in the Present Moment.  When we breathe deeply, we reconnect to the breath of Life, which breathes through ALL of us, and in and thru everything.

2.      Gratitude is a Superpower.  Remember to say thank you (self, others, Life). 

3.      Help others.  Pay it forward.  Be generous.  It’s the easiest way to express gratitude and to stay humble. 

4.      Be useful.  To yourself and others.  Contribute something positive.  Work.  Provide a service.  Volunteer.    

5.      Forgiveness is also a Superpower.  Use it generously.  Take Rev. Michelle’s class on it to learn more. 

6.      Accept that things change.  All things.  Relationships, jobs, ideas, bodies…everything.  Hold on to everything loosely.  Gripping anything too tightly will only bring you disappointment or unnecessary pain.   

7.      Accept that life is difficult sometimes.  Paradoxically, the more you understand this, the less difficult life usually is.  Sitting with pain is more healing than avoiding it. Remember that Ebb and flow are both part of life.   

8.      Take gentle action every day.  Indecision, Inaction, and Procrastination are common ways we self-sabotage. Once you get started, it is much easier to stay in motion.  So if you take a gentle action each day – no matter how small – you’ll save yourself a lot of time and effort and struggle down the road.   

9.      Everyone has responsibilities.  How should be handle them?  Do first things first.  Whenever possible, do the hardest one first, as early in the day as possible.  Eat the biggest frog first.   

10.  Practice simple self-care.  Eat well.  Think well.  Move more.  Take naps.  Look in mirrors and say “I love you and I’ve got your back” every chance you get.  Pay attention to your body.  It is always speaking to you. 

11.  Life is better without self-made drama – both the drama I make, and the self-made drama from others that I participate in, whether in person, on the phone, on social media, or anywhere else.  Complaining and gossiping are two ways of creating drama.  Stay in your own lane.­­­­

12.  Silent time is valuable.  Whether that is meditation, or a walk (without distractions), or just sitting on a bench somewhere and watching, silent time enriches you. 

13.  Play is just as important as work.  Schedule time for creative time.  Write, paint, garden, sing, sculpt, go to movies, go to the zoo, go to festivals, go to plays, act in plays, cook something delicious – whatever is fun.  

14.  Healthy boundaries make life better.  Good fences make good neighbors. We can love people from a distance.  Chosen family can be closer than relatives.   

15.  Don’t let others tell you who you are and how to spend your time and energy.  Remember: No is a complete sentence.  When you say YES to something, do it whole-heartedly. Don’t F.O.G. your life: doing things out of fear, obligation, or guilt.   

16.  Stop waiting for a sign to do the things you are here to do.  Take this as the sign that you are ready and the time is now.  Don’t wait for permission from others.  Give yourself permission.   

17.  Don’t put anyone or anything on a pedestal.  Respect and be inspired by people, but don’t set them up to be perfect.  Take the best from them, forgive the rest.  

18.  Be a student of life, not a know it all.  The greatest teachers always remained teachable.  Remember -- everything and everyone can be your teacher, if you choose to see them that way.   

19.  Worry less. Daily irritations are temporary.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.   

20.  Practice H.O.P.E. – hold onto positive energy.  There is already enough negativity in the world.  (NH – 7 times more negative energy – add to the positive).  Be happy for no reason at all. 

21.  Simplest prayer is: Guide me thru this.   

22.  Be Kind.  Be kind to yourself, others, animals, the world.  Make kindness your default setting.                                                                                                                                                     

We can choose to see the world any way we want.  Choose love. 

You belong in this world.  You belong, period.